
A new idea is born

Founder and CEO Thomas Stadler has worked as master plumber for many years. In various customer meetings he had to set the bad reputation of flat roofs right. Because of this he analysed the market and could not find a satisfactory solution for a fully-automated monitoring system. This was the birth of the roofSec GmbH. In collaboration with the JKU and the FH OÖ roofSec searched for a working solution. In 2018 the research was completed and the final product was ready for market launch.

The Team

Thomas Stadler


Working as a general manager in the plumbing family business prepared Thomas for his role as roofSec CEO. Additionally he visited the FH-Steyr and IMC-FH Krems, where he improved his practical and theoretical skills.

Michael Prinz


Michael has studied computer science at the JKU and worked as a software freelancer for several years before he joined the roofSec team. As head of software development he is responsible for building the cloud service and maintaining the IT infrastructure.

Martin Fridl


Martin studied law and is a full-blooded entrepreneur. He worked for several years as a company developer in various domestic and international companies. Being an auditor and network partner of Qualityaustria allows him to gain experience across several industries and become a specialist in different areas. He is responsible for sales and marketing at roofSec.



Im Rahmen der unternehmerischen Sorgfaltspflicht hinsichtlich der Qualitätssicherung unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen, legen wir hiermit unsere Qualitätspolitik fest: 

Das QM-System stellt eine Beschreibung der von uns festgelegten Anforderungen dar. Seine Anwendung gewährleistet, dass alle Tätigkeiten, die Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensleistung haben, geplant, gesteuert und überwacht werden, und dass insbesondere vertraglich vereinbarte Anforderungen erfüllt werden. 

  • Unser hoher Anspruch an die Qualität sowie die Sicherheit, Langlebigkeit und Funktionalität unserer Produkte sichert uns den langfristigen Erfolg auf unseren Märkten
    Our high standards of quality and the safety, durability and functionality of our products ensure long-term success in our markets 
  • Wir legen großen Wert auf den korrekten Umgang mit Kunden, unseren Mitarbeitern und untereinander
    We attach great importance to the correct handling of customers, employees and on the management-level 
  • Wir legen großen Wert auf einen fairen und respektvollen Umgang mit unseren Stakeholdern
    We place great importance on a fair and respectful interaction with our stakeholders
  • Wir streben nach fortlaufender Verbesserung und Neuerungen.
    We strive for continuous improvement and innovation. 

Does our system fit to your project?

Contact us now - we are happy to advise you!


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roofSec GmbH

Spattendorf 22
4211 Alberndorf
